Free domain privacy

Keeping your domain registration info private.

Private, not public

Private, not public

Your details stay off the WHOIS public directory, where every domain owner has their name, address, and contact info listed.

Avoid unwanted attention

Avoid unwanted attention

Your information is replaced with randomly generated data, keeping it safe from spammers, hackers, and identity thieves.

No setup needed

No setup needed

Domain privacy is free for life with nearly all our domains, and simply gets added automatically when you register yours.

Your privacy is our priority

See the difference

With protection

Whois lookup

 Redacted for privacy

 Redacted for privacy

 Redacted for privacy

 Redacted for privacy


Whois lookup

123, Amber Drive, Springfield, US

Smith Consultancy

John Smith


How it works

Stay anonymous

Stay anonymous

Anyone that searches for your domain on WHOIS will see anonymized information.

Free protection

Free protection

Privacy protection service Withheld for Privacy automatically hides your details.

Register a domain

Register a domain

Start your online story by searching for a domain name, and registering it.